easy to use.
it has only few APIs you need to known.
compact. because
it serializes the object to binary stream directly, it reduces
much bandwidth than XML format.
high speed.
because it manipulates the binary stream directly, it avoids
some reflecting operations. it is faster than serlizition
to XML format.
HelloWorld hello = new HelloWorld();
hello can be:
a. an object;
b. a java.util.List implemention(Java) or a
System.Collections.IList implemention(C#)
c. a single dimension or multi-dimension array (java) or
a single dimension or a jagged array (c#)
d. a java.util.Map implemention(Java) or a
System.Collections.IDictionary implemention(C#)
e. a primitive/primitive wrapper object (Java,C#)
f. a java.util.Date object (Java) or a DateTime object
g. a String (Java,C#)
h. null (Java,C#)
HelloWorld hello
= new HelloWorld();
//here hello is a pojo with default constructor.
/*Serlize to binary stream*/
ToByteConvertHelper toBytes = new ToByteConvertHelper();
byte[] resultByte=toBytes.toByte(source);
/*Deserlize from binary stream*/
FromByteConvertHelper fromBytes = new FromByteConvertHelper();
HelloWorld hello2=(HelloWorld)fromBytes.fromByte(resultByte);
The others you need to known:
java-cs-bridge serlizes java object's
fields. if you dont want a field to be serlized, you can declare
the field as transient or declare the @HideToClient attribute
before the field. The fields must be java-cs-bridge's supported
HelloWorld hello = new HelloWorld();
//here hello is a object with default constructor.
//the HelloWorld class should declare the attribute JavaClassName
with indicate the c# class's corresponding java class.
/*Serlize to binary stream*/
ToByteConvertHelper toBytes = new ToByteConvertHelper();
byte[] resultByte=toBytes.ToByte(source);
/*Deserlize from binary stream*/
FromByteConvertHelper fromBytes = new FromByteConvertHelper();
HelloWorld hello2=(HelloWorld)fromBytes.FromByte(resultByte,0,typeof(HelloWorld));
The others you need to known:
C#'s API is a little more
complex than Java's , at the "fromByte(resultByte,0,typeof(HelloWorld));"
,because the binary stream doesnt contain the C# class info.
Adding this feature is very easy but I havnt this requirement
now, because java-cs-bridge is design for communicate between
Java and C#, not Java and Java or C# and C#.
Also, java-cs-bridge serlizes c# object's fields.
if you dont want a field to be serlized, you can declare the
field as NotSerialized or declare the NotJava attribute before
the field. The fields must be java-cs-bridge's supported field.
java-cs-bridge's C# has a special class is JavaObject.
If you dont want to write a C# class to map the Java Class,
you can use the JavaObject class. the JavaObject contains
the information of Java object at runtime. if you dont indicate
the expected type when fromByte, it will be the JavaObject
as default.